Role-Playing Games in Educational Settings

Since 1985 we have been using RPGs in-schools and other settings to enhance the efficacy learning


We have been running RPGs IN-CLASS (on and off) around the world since 1985 (in addition to out-of-class, after school, and asynchronous learning approaches). It most certainly is effective in a classroom setting. 

Research and evidence-in-practice supports the enhanced efficacy, but it requires some experience with an eye for appropriate planning to keep course curricula on track.  

This is for decades in K-12 and college level settings, as well as alternative education settings, adult learning, and executive/professional development. 

We share the data, theories explaining the potential why's of the effects, provide howtos, assessments, planning, implementation, and evaluations of these approaches using RPGs as intervention modalities for education (as well as therapeutic) programs through RPG Research and RPG Therapeutics.

Also Rebecca L. Thomas (Becky) has been doing so nearly as long specifically focused on using RPGs for education, in Oakland, California since the late 80s through her wonderful Abantey program.

Contact Us for a consultation or for more information on how our programs can help. Or see the 501(c)3 non-profit RPG Research's research archives for more details.